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We all kno Mac perates skirt , seldom perates trousers, our possibility very fe somebody knos but, the Europe and America country did not once allo female to perate trousers. Perating trousers before long, is right of est Europe and America country men , the oman can perate trousers's. Blatantly seek publicity on the main street if hich oman to have to dare to be perating trousers , ait for her ith capturing being the police. Female that time begins to be going to bind up the aist from 11 , 2-year-old, at that time standard beautiful oman aistline is 18 inches. Required course binding up the aist therefore from childhood being a girl, bind up the aist chest clothes and brace skirt are standard "fashion". Have uncounted omen to die of difficult labour because of the pelvis is deformable after binding up the aist groing up. The female trousers one figuring in history before more than 150 years, e into being. It is to designed that by first generation knoledge female Aimiliya.jiankesi. Be money trousers's turn to have Turkey local flavour. But Jiankesi uses it to e to resist binding up the aist chest clothes and brace skirt, immediately e a slice of the general public to fling abuses on the move: Jiankesi loer reaches, corrupts public morals , is a itch. To such an extent as Yu should design that if as the meteor flash across. The first daring to perate the trousers females is Mary .aidehua.oke , she is an USA the first daughters medical officer in history. Once, several time, she had trousers on but being captured during the period of Civil War. The at last , thing alays stir up disturbance in having arrived at Congress , Congressperson a heated dispute pass , dra ultimately because of her consummate art of healing for state-maintained loer brilliant military suess, legislation Congress is decided passing give her privilege America to allo Mrs. medical officer Mary .aidehua.oke to perate trousers hen orking. Have arrived at 1932 , famous USA film star Malian bamboo flute Terui is gone on foot because of having trousers on in Paris street , is grasped to police office. The police bureau is going to "be destructive to the morals" putting the blame on Terui ho detains the Malian bamboo flute. Outside demonstrate in protest , under stress of pressure because the oman's right molecule plays the police, the police bureau acts against the ill just no releasing her. At that time, people think that the oman ho perates trousers is to spoil a oman! Second World War, lets a oman can perate trousers making apologist hypocrite; a olf in sheep's clothing headache problem finally be easily solved so alays. The ar grimness , the order more and more oman have perated up the trousers being able to make a job go to the lavatory especially as a matter of course. Part having bee the est Europe and America country female ith regard to such , trousers dressing and putting on makeup, the kingdom has taken up a space for one person historic in female fashion. Therefore can say , second World War, gives the est Europe and America country female fashion to have brought about great one revolution. No, culture still is to give first place to skirt dress, but trousers bee the formal , standard and elegant female fashion category already gradually not to hesitate to est Europe and America country main current, the face ith the rebel , advance guard , border has appeared no longer. The female can be perating trousers in any oasion. Trousers bee no already est Europe and America country sign omen's dress part
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